Sunday, August 24, 2008

missed me?

yea i kno u did =]

i haven't blogged in a min. bcuz a lot of things have been goin on && I've been pretty busy!!

well.... the vaca. was fun && i still have 2 put up those pics. i promised, school started && it fckin sucks, Florida sucks its been rainin everyday thanx 2 Fay ((the hurricane well now tropical storm)). EVERYTHIN SUCKS =/
But i have..Good News: i worked my ass off yest. @ work so i bought my ticket 2 go 2 NY Dec. 31st.
that's all 4 now, bye bunnies =]

Saturday, August 9, 2008

It's just so simple

TO DEZI: i gave up bcuz i couldn't find the right words 2 put it all ur amazing && who doesn't love those random i love u calls, or those sweet talks of how he never wants 2 lose u, or better yet waking up to those text messages of how wonderful u r!?!

Every female I know wants to feel loved, adored and cherished && guys i don't think its hard at all. Besides we need it from time to time to remind us of how u really feel and why we should only be with u. ♥

Friday, August 8, 2008

Getting Ready

The "big" day is 2morrow and im tryin 2 put all the funeral stuff behind.. i still have a lot of things 2 do like my hair, pedicure, eye brows, && i have 2 finish packin. Not to mention i have 2 charge my camera, extra sk battery, && the ipod...

@ 1001 SOUTH 2ND STREET HARRISON, NJ. ITS AN OPEN,NEUTRAL SHOOT SO EVERY1 IS WELCOME (2 bad i can't be there).. but i wish my cuzzo and the guys the best =]
listen 2 their music at:

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Yanira Martinez 1976-2008

"Time is precious no ones guaranteed another day"


The funeral was a harrowing experience being there when the casket was laying at the front of the funeral home and then later when it was being lowered into the ground was..tuff. Grief and sadness spreads like wildfire in a situation like that and I was overcome with the emotion of it all (it really hit me when her husband kneeled down by her side and put the wedding ring on her while he said "I'll always love u baby"). It was a very traumatic time for her mother and husband they were inconsolable. It clearly shouldn't have been an open casket tho. because the reconstruction was extensive; waxy, and completely unrecognizable (picture on the right). It's unbelievable, I still don't know what problem could she have been facing that led her to think that she had no way out of and decided to take matters into her own hands.. Only God knows why =[

nothing left to say but that there are no good-byes, where ever we are, you'll always be in my heart

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Family && Funeral

Some fam. 4rm NY r here and sadly it isn't for something good.. we have to be up by 5am bcuz we have 2 b at Yanira's funeral in Fort Myers by 9am...i hate funerals =/

Anyways 2day i got bit by a f*cking red ant && it hurts like crazy!!! Grrr. im mad ass hell, now i got a big bump on my arm.. well at least i killed that bitch ((lol))

perooo i'll be back later after sex and the city, i gotta pick out an outfit and do madd shit 4 2morrow.. later dudes =]

finally admitting it..

OK, I admit it. sex and the city is not just a's an
obsession. I can't help it they're just so funny and fabulous and uhhh female?!? What girl hasn't gone through exactly
what these women go through week after week? (although
most of us haven't gone through it wearing Manolo Blahnik shoes) ;]
I just don't know how someone could not just not like sex and the city...

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

sooo i decided to start blogging bcuz its kind of an online journal if you will && what better way 2 express urself on ur free time!?! =]

umm i got this site 4rm my Dezi boo ((

btw she just left my casa (house) not 2 long ago, i missed that hoe so much..We've agreed 2 no more long vacations, unless its w/ each other!! lol

speaking of vacations i came back 4rm NY 4 days ago and boyyy am i dying 2 go back. BUT now I'm packing, yet again 2 go on another vaca. but this time 2 Cali. I CAN'T WAIT!!!

Anywayss pics. 4rm NY will b up soon && i'll def. have pics. 4rm Cali. ASAP =]