Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Ice Skating =]
The weekend is almost over and soon I'll be in 1st period telling myself "I wanna go home" =/
On Friday i did the usual, Nothing! Saturday: I went to work and after i went..Ice Skatingggg!! It was a success, I managed to go Ice skating
without falling and breaking a bone =] Sunday: I went to church (it was really good) and now I'm home trying to clean.
-♥ Cindy
Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Wednesday: the Rockefeller tree got lit and i saw it..on t.v =/ i then watched the Victoria Secret Fashion Show and it was amazing. I had an away message up about it that said "V.S.F.S..One day I'll be walking down that runway with angel wings on my back" and these people made my day...
KdUbZ: 1 day cindy cuz ur under MY wing so ill put u on lol Im tha Secret 2 Victoria lol im boo0ted
DEZI: lol youd be walking down that bitch dancing.
NANDO: 1 day my love! 1 day!
JENNIFER: Yes you will my are going to be the best Victoria's secret are going to rock them fucking
Thursday and Friday: The prima's and I were at the Movie Set of Scare Zone and yes we got to be in the movie..yess we got it like that =] lol it was fun though we met some really cool actors (Deziiiii, Neil? lol).
Saturday: I chilled with the guys and then we went to my
uncle's house with like 456588 people to eat and watch the fight. De La Hoya...WHOMPPP! his sorry ass. But yeah it was fun and funny, everyone was drunk.
Monday, December 1, 2008
I went back to the hell hole -_-
i hate waking up early, i hate the people, the classes, the work, and the place! Ayy Dios I'm so depressed!! Many people have asked what happened to my "question of the day" but sorry guys I gave up lol. I've been busy, sad, and just not in the mood. I haven't been keeping up with anything lately =/ Anyways after the hell hole i went to Dezi's house. She wants me to take off the video of her singing. She doesn't sound good but trust me she sounds a lot better... I love her and I love you guys =]
-Cindy ♥
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving!! Hope everyone is blessed with happiness, health, GooD FooD, and great company. =]
** Blackfriday tomorrow..i don't know about you but I'm excited!!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
My Dezi boo made a vid. 4 me singing gravity so go check it out
anywho i was looking through my camera and found this video of her singing =]
i love her so very mucho
anywho i was looking through my camera and found this video of her singing =]
i love her so very mucho
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Today was fun!! Not because of school (lol) but because i chilled w/ Kelvin && Jenni <-- I love that biatchhh =]
We really didn't do much but it was still fun. We were suppose to chill w/ fresh but he didn't show up, fuckerrr. We didn't need him though, Eva was our entertainment. She's hilarious!
buenooo im outie, i have to go pick out an outfit 4 manana ((breast cancer awareness day)) everyone must wear pink =]
Question of the day:
Can you ever really forgive if you can't forget?
We really didn't do much but it was still fun. We were suppose to chill w/ fresh but he didn't show up, fuckerrr. We didn't need him though, Eva was our entertainment. She's hilarious!
buenooo im outie, i have to go pick out an outfit 4 manana ((breast cancer awareness day)) everyone must wear pink =]
Question of the day:
Can you ever really forgive if you can't forget?
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
just ok
Today was OK.. PSAT testing sucked though. i HATE tests -_-
blahhh && i have a french 2 test 2morrow....definitely not looking forward to that.
Any who i found out that a grand jury handed up a 7 count indictment against Casey Anthony Tuesday, including first-degree murder and aggravated child abuse in the disappearance of her daughter, Caylee. She probably did kill her but I'm really hoping that little Caylee is out there somewhere, alive. "/
For the Caylee Marie Anthony timeline which gives all the info. of the trial go 2:
-adios ♥
Question of the day:
Can you get to a future if your past is present?
blahhh && i have a french 2 test 2morrow....definitely not looking forward to that.
Any who i found out that a grand jury handed up a 7 count indictment against Casey Anthony Tuesday, including first-degree murder and aggravated child abuse in the disappearance of her daughter, Caylee. She probably did kill her but I'm really hoping that little Caylee is out there somewhere, alive. "/
For the Caylee Marie Anthony timeline which gives all the info. of the trial go 2:
-adios ♥
Question of the day:
Can you get to a future if your past is present?
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
New things!
"They say that time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself"
soooooo about "CHANGE" ...I'm doing a lot of it! I'm def. changing the way i act towards certain people ((I'll talk about it some other time)) && my famous away messages (AIM) =]
OK so I've decided that i want to do something new with my away messages since some how everyone seems 2 read them ((which is a good thing..i think)). I'm going to ask a different question everyday and i need people 2 answer them by either writing me or putting the answer on their away message. The questions are going to be totally random but i promise they'll be good questions. Most likely the questions will have something to do with my day/mood/problem or should i say problems that people face on a day to day basis.
The idea: Everyone knows i LOVE sex and the city and i always get ideas, thoughts, && quotes 4rm the show. i don't exactly know how but i got this idea from watching it. I guess because Carrie almost always ends the episodes with a question. I know I'm crazy and u might be like WTF? about the whole idea but if you don't like it then don't be a part of it. simple as that! o0o yea and I'll probably post bulletins on myspace && post blogs here with the questions since some people don't have AIM ((only because i know you guys are dying to be a part of this)) ;]
This will help me in so many ways because i won't be bored as much && I'll probably stop disappearing on you guys. lol
bueno its about that time i go take a shower and get ready 4 PSAT's manana =/
ooooooo && i almost forgot back 2 "change" i go 2 the gym everyday now ((YAY me)) and since i can't... VOTE FOR OBAMA!!!
Friday, September 26, 2008
my name on google
soo i was bored and decided 2 google my name and found this..its pretty cool =]
The name Cindy means ‘moon’. The moon revolves around the Earth shining its light which is borrowed from the sun. This light is then reflected to the Earth and serves to dispel the darkness of night. The moon has a gravitational pull on the Earth’s oceans and in a sense God causes Cindy to do the same with people. He gives her an attraction that causes others to want to be with her. The purpose of this is that she could be like a mirror that reflects His glory when held in His hand. When Cindy gives her heart to the Lord and allows Him to completely take charge of her she then becomes like Him and His Son. She then can be an instrument that sheds His Light to those He has placed in her world.
The moon is not visible at all times; it has its phases and sometimes is not visible at all. Cindy hasher phases as well. Some would call this moodiness. There are times when she just wants to be alone. Every so often it is during these times that Cindy is hiding herself in her secret place with the Lord. She has to get insight and renew her strength. At other times she is out there beaming, shining and radiant with the love of God, drawing others to her. She doesn’t do this on purpose, mostly she is unaware of the effect she has on others.
All this is what makes Cindy a beacon in a dark and stormy night to those who are lost without Jesus. She shines a soft and gentle light that helps them to see their way. She takes them by the hand, in a sense, and leads them out of the darkness and into the True Light, Jesus Christ.
The name Cindy means ‘moon’. The moon revolves around the Earth shining its light which is borrowed from the sun. This light is then reflected to the Earth and serves to dispel the darkness of night. The moon has a gravitational pull on the Earth’s oceans and in a sense God causes Cindy to do the same with people. He gives her an attraction that causes others to want to be with her. The purpose of this is that she could be like a mirror that reflects His glory when held in His hand. When Cindy gives her heart to the Lord and allows Him to completely take charge of her she then becomes like Him and His Son. She then can be an instrument that sheds His Light to those He has placed in her world.
The moon is not visible at all times; it has its phases and sometimes is not visible at all. Cindy hasher phases as well. Some would call this moodiness. There are times when she just wants to be alone. Every so often it is during these times that Cindy is hiding herself in her secret place with the Lord. She has to get insight and renew her strength. At other times she is out there beaming, shining and radiant with the love of God, drawing others to her. She doesn’t do this on purpose, mostly she is unaware of the effect she has on others.
All this is what makes Cindy a beacon in a dark and stormy night to those who are lost without Jesus. She shines a soft and gentle light that helps them to see their way. She takes them by the hand, in a sense, and leads them out of the darkness and into the True Light, Jesus Christ.
Psa 97:11 Light is sown for the righteous, and gladness for the upright in heart.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
ahhhhh!!! GREAT day..finally lol. =]
so umm yea 2day school was actually pretty good, i got madd compliments yo! =] After school i chilled w/ Jenni. Kelvin, Berto, && Eva 4 a lil. Then Jenni && I went 2 Forever 21 at Prime <-- the Thennnnnn i went 2 the OHS game. I had madd fun, it felt so good 2 b back. Now I'm home =/ oo well...
Let's go Kowboys!!!!!!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
lost again
sorry guys =/
A lot has happened since the last time, 2 much 2 talk about.
but umm tell me how..i just got into ANOTHER fight with "my birth giver" ((mom)) grrrr. shes such a biatch -- BLAHHH
Plan 4 2morrow: go 2 the Osceola game w/ Dezi boo && idc wat she says!!! Ay Dios i just wanna b out this house already. (sigh) Im movin bak 2 NY... 1 day. im gonna live w/ my babies* =]
bueno, thats it 4 now i gotta go do dance kinesiology HW cuz KEVON won't do it 4 me ((a-hole)) >=[
au revoir <-- good-bye in french
A lot has happened since the last time, 2 much 2 talk about.
but umm tell me how..i just got into ANOTHER fight with "my birth giver" ((mom)) grrrr. shes such a biatch -- BLAHHH
Plan 4 2morrow: go 2 the Osceola game w/ Dezi boo && idc wat she says!!! Ay Dios i just wanna b out this house already. (sigh) Im movin bak 2 NY... 1 day. im gonna live w/ my babies* =]
bueno, thats it 4 now i gotta go do dance kinesiology HW cuz KEVON won't do it 4 me ((a-hole)) >=[
au revoir <-- good-bye in french
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
so you think you can dance
I love that show and i love this performance ((along wit the other 568974 ones)) but yea just thought I'd share =]
Sunday, August 24, 2008
missed me?
yea i kno u did =]
i haven't blogged in a min. bcuz a lot of things have been goin on && I've been pretty busy!!
well.... the vaca. was fun && i still have 2 put up those pics. i promised, school started && it fckin sucks, Florida sucks its been rainin everyday thanx 2 Fay ((the hurricane well now tropical storm)). EVERYTHIN SUCKS =/
But i have..Good News: i worked my ass off yest. @ work so i bought my ticket 2 go 2 NY Dec. 31st.
that's all 4 now, bye bunnies =]
Saturday, August 9, 2008
It's just so simple
TO DEZI: i gave up bcuz i couldn't find the right words 2 put it all ur amazing && who doesn't love those random i love u calls, or those sweet talks of how he never wants 2 lose u, or better yet waking up to those text messages of how wonderful u r!?!
Every female I know wants to feel loved, adored and cherished && guys i don't think its hard at all. Besides we need it from time to time to remind us of how u really feel and why we should only be with u. ♥
Every female I know wants to feel loved, adored and cherished && guys i don't think its hard at all. Besides we need it from time to time to remind us of how u really feel and why we should only be with u. ♥
Friday, August 8, 2008
Getting Ready
The "big" day is 2morrow and im tryin 2 put all the funeral stuff behind.. i still have a lot of things 2 do like my hair, pedicure, eye brows, && i have 2 finish packin. Not to mention i have 2 charge my camera, extra sk battery, && the ipod...
@ 1001 SOUTH 2ND STREET HARRISON, NJ. ITS AN OPEN,NEUTRAL SHOOT SO EVERY1 IS WELCOME (2 bad i can't be there).. but i wish my cuzzo and the guys the best =]
listen 2 their music at:
The "big" day is 2morrow and im tryin 2 put all the funeral stuff behind.. i still have a lot of things 2 do like my hair, pedicure, eye brows, && i have 2 finish packin. Not to mention i have 2 charge my camera, extra sk battery, && the ipod...
@ 1001 SOUTH 2ND STREET HARRISON, NJ. ITS AN OPEN,NEUTRAL SHOOT SO EVERY1 IS WELCOME (2 bad i can't be there).. but i wish my cuzzo and the guys the best =]
listen 2 their music at:
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Yanira Martinez 1976-2008
"Time is precious no ones guaranteed another day"
The funeral was a harrowing experience being there when the casket was laying at the front of the funeral home and then later when it was being lowered into the ground was..tuff. Grief and sadness spreads like wildfire in a situation like that and I was overcome with the emotion of it all (it really hit me when her husband kneeled down by her side and put the wedding ring on her while he said "I'll always love u baby"). It was a very traumatic time for her mother and husband they were inconsolable. It clearly shouldn't have been an open casket tho. because the reconstruction was extensive; waxy, and completely unrecognizable (picture on the right). It's unbelievable, I still don't know what problem could she have been facing that led her to think that she had no way out of and decided to take matters into her own hands.. Only God knows why =[
nothing left to say but that there are no good-byes, where ever we are, you'll always be in my heart
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Family && Funeral
Some fam. 4rm NY r here and sadly it isn't for something good.. we have to be up by 5am bcuz we have 2 b at Yanira's funeral in Fort Myers by 9am...i hate funerals =/
Anyways 2day i got bit by a f*cking red ant && it hurts like crazy!!! Grrr. im mad ass hell, now i got a big bump on my arm.. well at least i killed that bitch ((lol))
perooo i'll be back later after sex and the city, i gotta pick out an outfit and do madd shit 4 2morrow.. later dudes =]
Anyways 2day i got bit by a f*cking red ant && it hurts like crazy!!! Grrr. im mad ass hell, now i got a big bump on my arm.. well at least i killed that bitch ((lol))
perooo i'll be back later after sex and the city, i gotta pick out an outfit and do madd shit 4 2morrow.. later dudes =]
finally admitting it..
obsession. I can't help it they're just so funny and fabulous and uhhh female?!? What girl hasn't gone through exactly
what these women go through week after week? (although
most of us haven't gone through it wearing Manolo Blahnik shoes) ;]
I just don't know how someone could not just not like sex and the city...
Tuesday, August 5, 2008

sooo i decided to start blogging bcuz its kind of an online journal if you will && what better way 2 express urself on ur free time!?! =]
umm i got this site 4rm my Dezi boo ((
btw she just left my casa (house) not 2 long ago, i missed that hoe so much..We've agreed 2 no more long vacations, unless its w/ each other!! lol
speaking of vacations i came back 4rm NY 4 days ago and boyyy am i dying 2 go back. BUT now I'm packing, yet again 2 go on another vaca. but this time 2 Cali. I CAN'T WAIT!!!
Anywayss pics. 4rm NY will b up soon && i'll def. have pics. 4rm Cali. ASAP =]
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